European approach of guidance and confirmation in your journey into parenthood.
Haptonomy pregnancy accompaniments reinforce the bonding between the triade Mom, Dad and Baby by affective contact and tactile communication.
The goal is to be present to each other: To support to cope with the process of the mystery of the life, the pregnancy, the birth, and the parent to be.
Haptonomy Visit
Individual 1hour session
At home
Both parents are required for all sessions
The sessions can start after 14 weeks never after 28 weeks
Program: 6-8 sessions before birth, 4 sessions in post-partum through the 1st year of baby until when baby is acquired the walking
Bonding between the triad Mom, Dad and Baby during the pregnancy and being ready for the birth
Haptonomy is a form of childbirth education that focuses on the use of physical touch to create a connection between the expecting mom and her unborn child.
This unique approach helps to prepare the mother for labor and also helps to build a bond between mother and child even before birth.
Haptonomy provide an invaluable foundation for a healthy family relationship
A way to connect and be in tune together between mom, dad and baby during the pregnancy
What is haptonomy?
Haptonomy is a Science of affectivity, developed by Franz Feldman (Netherland1921-France 2010). he defines a certains approach to the affectives interactions between people.
The affective confirmation between human being contributes the development of an affective security and self confidence that help them face the challenges of life.
This approach is calming and reassuring. The mains change you will enjoy with this approach are:
immediate change of tonus in all the tissues,
the quality of the presence,
the feeling to be whole and active with your own bod
How does the Haptonomy work?
Haptonomy is more than a childbirth education class.
It helps building and developing a parenthood feeling.
It starts an involvement with a relationship with the baby in the wombs.
It provides the physical and emotional support throughout your labor and your birth.
It confirms your feeling and your knowledge about your body to give you more confidence for pregnancy, the birth and the life with the baby.
What is the benefit for the birth?
For the birth, Haptonomy is to promote "togertherness" with the child to be born.
The affective and reassuring relationship between the father, the mother and the child brings a specific "positive affective" muscle tone that accompanies the new-born during delivery.
It reinforce "the role of the partner" at the birth. his presence and his support are essential for the mom to relax and cope in labor.
What is the benefit for baby?
The accompaniment of the affective relationship between the child and the parents doesn't stop at the moment of the birth. A prenatal accompaniment should continue postnatally until the child can walk.
A well accompanied child during the prenatal period has expectations.
You can provide safety to the child, and thus a feeling of autonomy, even if, right after birth, they discover dependency.
During the last prenatal session, we discuss about carrying a child in a haptonomic way.
Hap-tonomy emphasizes carrying a child vertically. The feelind of verticality, experineced through secure carrying, provides the child with basic emotional security needed throughout life.
During the postnatal haptonomy, we confirm the parent about what they know and they feel to emphasize their confidence in their parenthood. We encourage the family to be in tune, findbalance and find a way to support each other in this new life with a baby.
An additional session is also offered to the mother to help her find a feeling of security in her base and to reestablish her sense of "being a woman".
What to expect?
Both parents have to be present.
The 1st session has to be before 28 weeks.
One session is about 1 hour -1 hour 1/2.
There are 6 to 8 sessions during the pregnancy.
There are 3-4 sessions in postpartum:
1 for all the family the 1st month,
1 for the mom the 1st month,
1 around 3 months, at the end of the 4th trimestrer when baby is opening to the world,
1 after walking is acquired.
1 hr
100 US dollars